by playactors | Jun 17, 2022 | Putting in the Work, Rehearsing
Our awesome client Laura Sophie Helbig is currently in rehearsals for the rehearsed reading of ‘THE NERVOUS STATE’. Rehearsals started on the 29th of April. The play which is written and directed by Nicola Baldwin and is based on historic research by...
by playactors | Jul 29, 2020 | Putting in the Work, Rehearsing
It’s News day, and boy do we have some cool news for you! Pepa Duarte, our Peruvian creative, will be part of a rehearsed reading tomorrow of ‘MISTRAL, GABRIELA’ by Andrés Kalawski. She will play the part of “Alice”! Yay! Think on this: “What happens when...
by playactors | Apr 6, 2015 | Other Talents, Putting in the Work, Writing
A rehearsed reading for Anne-Sophie Marie’s full length play, ‘SPIRITUALISTS’, will take place on the 19th of April at 4pm in the Conway Hall Library at Red Lion Square. ‘SPIRITUALISTS’ is a new play loosely based on American spiritualist...