by playactors | Jul 11, 2022 | New Headshots, Other Talents, Photography, Updates
Our Mattia Sedda, who is an amazing headshot photographer, has photographed our Antigoni Spanou. So here’s Antigoni as seen by Mattia! 😍😍
by playactors | Jun 1, 2022 | New Headshots, Other Talents, Photography, Updates
One of our latest clients, Stella von Koskull, had a photography session with our very own Mattia Sedda, who put his headshot photographer hat on for the day, and produced some amazing results. It also looks like they had fun during this session! 👇😂😍 Great work you...
by playactors | Mar 28, 2022 | New Headshots, Other Talents, Photography, Updates
All of our clients are multi-talented artists and we love seeing them come together and join forces! Our Mattia Sedda is a wonderful headshot photographer and on this occasion he has photographed our lovely Chiraz Aich. So here’s Chiraz as seen by...
by playactors | Sep 14, 2021 | New Headshots, Updates
Our lovely Daniel Julian decided it’s time for some new headshots and got together with the amazing photographer, Adrian Leca. The result?We can’t take our eyes off of them! 😍😍
by playactors | Jul 23, 2021 | New Headshots, Updates
Our Hervé Goffings had new headshots taken by photographer Adrian Leca. Don’t they look amazing?